Friday, October 16, 2009


Seriousness can be defined as paying undue importance to something, at the cost of everything else. It arises from the inability to see that all of life is just a drama that is unfolding every minute. Seriousness is the result of over-expectation from life.
Seriousness kills spontaneity and destroys creativity. It closes your mind to the openness and freedom of life. It makes you dull and dead. When you perform a task in a relaxed and light manner, your thinking and decision-making capacity is automatically enhanced. The same task when performed in a serious manner dulls your mind. When you do something too seriously and are too concerned about the result. You are not allowing yourself to perform at the optimum level.
We should be sincere and sensitive which means being aware of everything. Understand, being sensitive does not mean being open to everything. Being unable to say `no` does not mean sensitivity. That is actually ego!
We should make plans and think ahead with sincerity, not with seriousness. Seriousness is not the same as sincerity. Sincerity is focusing on the task with enthusiasm and youthfulness while giving your best without worrying excessively about the results! When you are serious, you don’t enjoy, you don’t laugh, how can you laugh when you are serious?
We should understand our uniqueness but this does not mean that we should consider ourselves so special that we start taking ourselves too seriously.


If we look at why most people with money are arrogant we will find it is because of the feeling of independence that money brings. The awareness of dependence on the on the other hand makes one humble.The basic human quality of humility is taken away by a false feeling of independence.
The world is of change; the Self is of no-change. We have to rely on the non-change and accept the change. This is like perceiving the real as unreal and unreal as real. In fact, all miseries are unreal. A wise man knows that happiness is real, as it is our very nature. Unhappiness is unreal because it is inflicted by memory. When we see everything as a dream, then we abide in our true nature-love, joy, and peace. We then understand that money is not all-important. Values, sense of belonging, love, and care are more important...
Best Wishes!Sunder.Thadani.


Change is the inevitability of life. Our interpretation of change determines our attitude and approach to life. What is apparently beneficial is accepted without any fuss. When it comes to accepting the inconvenient and the unpleasant, there begins conflict and resentment. However, the seemingly hopeless situations that are very painful to deal with are also instruments of change. “What the caterpillar call the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
Helplessness is a state of the mind. Fixing the blame is not what absolves one of failure. Fixing the problem is the only redemption. Anger, fear, resentment, and frustration only muddle neural networks. They are merely manifestations of the fight or fright response. What is actually needed is a right, bright and trite response.
A positive approach is a big help, as it tends to activate the right brain, the one that has great intuitive abilities. The most appropriate response to any problem would be whole-brained
Your comments are most welcome. Best Wishes!sunder.thadani.


Why do so many intelligent, successful people have trouble managing theirtime and organizing their lives? Partly because we are not taught how, whenwe`re growing up. My approach to time management begins with clarifying what matters most so you can decide what to stop doing. There`s no pointin getting more efficient at doing things that don`t need to be done.Sure not needing to earn a living would free up lots of time, but you`d havea new problem in its place - you`d have even more options to sort through. The most overwhelmed and frustrated people I`ve ever known are thosewho can afford to have and do everything. Fuzzy priorities and an unwillingnessto say no are what yet you into trouble. They lead you to start things youcan`t finish, attempt too many things at once, and make promises youcan`t keep.Best Wishes,